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holistic counselling
& healing
Weight Loss Self Hypnosis
Weight Loss Self Hypnosis Program targeting your subconscious mind and also that even deeper part of your subconscious, the superconscious which is why this program is a step above all others. The hypnotic recording makes positive suggestion around overeating, eating the right healthy foods, motivation, eliminating cravings and boredom as well as emotional eating, visualization of yourself slimmer and focusing on that and how good you feel when you exercise and become lighter and keeping busy. Included in this drop the weight program is:​
Recording 1: 1 Daytime Drop the Weight with Self Hypnosis
Recording 2: 1 Night time Drop the Weight with Self Hypnosis for when you prefer to listen to your daily recording at night.
A powerful eBook with many motivational tools for assisting you on your weight loss journey psychologically, emotionally, spiritually and physically. In the eBook is information to get you motivated and organized.
The reason the recordings are daytime or night time is because not everyone will be comfortable with doing this at night as one might fall asleep after a busy day. If you easily fall asleep, the daytime recording is best. If you are more comfortable doing this recording during the day, this works best for you. Most people will choose both because sometimes you want to do your self hypnosis during the day, other times you don't get time so you have the perfect opportunity to do the night time recording,.
To buy this Weight Loss Self-hypnosis package, click on 'Buy Album' below right
Distance Healing Session
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Once paid, easily download the recordings and eBook to your device
Tips and safety for self hypnosis
Listen to the Daytime recordings sitting up so that you do not fall asleep. If you are falling asleep throughout the recordings try doing the recording first thing in the morning when you have just woken up. On wakeup we are still in theta brainwave and more suggestible at that time of the morning, for new information. Some people simply cannot stay awake when it comes to this kind of hypnosis and need to listen to hypnosis recordings when they have just woken. Never listen to a recording behind the wheel of a vehicle. Use headphones or ear plugs to listen to your recording, if you are listening to these recordings directly from a laptop without ear phones or head phones, it wont be as loud and clear as with headphones on. Never listen to a hypnosis recording while walking, jogging or in control of a moving vehicle. These recordings have been made in a recording studio by Clinical Hypnotherapist, Tara J Clarke.