J-Seal Removal (Jehova Seal)
What is J-Seal Removal?
J-seal Removal is a specialized method of permanently removing on all levels of ones multidimensional anatomy what are known as the 7 Unnatural Jehovian Seals and other unnatural seals and implants that are within our mind-body-spirit system.
J-Seals & Unnatural Implant Removal
J-Seal Removal is a specialized method of permanently removing on all levels of ones' multidimensional anatomy what are known as the 7 Unnatural Jehovian Seals and other unnatural seals and implants that are within our mind-body-spirit system.
Many people report physical problems in the exact areas where the seals are located and once they are removed, their health and experience of life improves significantly.
These seals are talked about in many ancient texts. The seals activate in response to Stellar Activation Cycles (happening now) and when the seals activate in the body, they can manifest in physical illness if they are not cleared.
These seals are responsible for many of the pains and problem areas that people have on the left side of their body. The Stellar activation cycle is 2012 - 2022 which allows certain seals to open and star gates to open which prepares the Earth and everyone on it for ascension.
There have been many interferences with the evolution of humans on Earth by many races. This is how the J-Seals got into Earth and humans to begin with.
What to expect:
1 Original Divine Blueprint restored
2 The removal of these J-seals is the most important thing a person can do at this point in time
3 Better connection to Higher self
4 Assists in the Divine Self Activation process
5 Receive much more intuition from your Higher self and you can start making your free-will choices
6 Restore our organic imprint for optimal health and well being
7 A natural light will be restored, not only to us, but the Earth's Crystalline Grid
8 Evolution towards frequencies of love and higher dimensions
9 More psychic skills noticed
10 Reach higher states such as bliss and unconditional love
11 Back, neck and knee problems dissipate
12 Breathe better
13 Better circulation
How do these seals in the Earth's grids affect people living on the Earth?
It is important to understand that the Earth and our bodies are built energetically the same way and that we are directly connected to the Earth.
Knowledge of 15th dimensional anatomy, the structure of the 12 strand DNA template, Kathara Grid, chakras, meridians, axiatonal lines, star and seed crystal seals are important to be able to understand this.
The basic understanding is this - if someone does something to the Earth's grids, then they are immediately doing the same thing to everyone's personal grids, DNA templates, chakra systems, etc.
So if you poke holes in the Earth's grids, you are poking holes in everyone's personal energy grids as well. Since the 7 Jehovian Seals exist in the Earth's grids, we "inherit" these into our own grids.
So everyone on Earth has these 7 J-seals in their bodies on their individual axiatonal line 7. There have been many, many cataclysms in Earth's history that have affected us, and this is what has reduced our life span, brain function, and spiritual awareness.
But the 7 Jehovian Seals are the worst of these, especially now, because we are in the middle of a Stellar Activation Cycle, so the seals are activating in people's bodies, causing degeneration and many different physical, mental, and emotional problems.
The seals look like energetic "plugs" that run down the left side of the body when seen at an etheric level. We have developed a way to quickly and permanently remove these J-Seals, as well as many other unnatural implants and seals that have been inherited from distortions in the Earth's grids.
So whenever the normal seals that are in the middle of the Earth and the middle of our personal grids open up, then the corresponding J-Seal would open up. The purpose of these unnatural Jehovian Seals is to drag Earth and all of its life forms into the Phantom Matrix.
Humans are not meant for death and are built with 12 dimensions of consciousness. And after the person can change their cells and ascend to go between dimensions.
After DNA distortions, J-Seals and many other things, we have not been able to do this in over 200,000 years. So this is why the Earth has been stuck in 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions and not able to ascend.
At this particular point in time we have enough frequency on the planet to ascend this time when the star gates open. It is so important to clear these J-Seals now. Even if you are an Ascended Master and you incarnate on this planet, you will have these J-Seals that need clearing.
Where are the J-Seals located and when did the J-Seals start opening/activating in the body?
1 J-seal 1 - Top of the Skull (May 2001)
2 J-seal 2 - Heart, Left lung, Left Knee Rear (May 2001)
3 J-seal 3 - Pineal Gland (July 2001)
4 J-seal 4 - Left side of neck and lymphatics (January 2002)
5 J-seal 5 - Rear left thigh and buttocks (January 2002)
6 J-seal 6 - Alta major (where skull rests atop the spine), hypothalamus, and top of left shoulder (September 2002)
7 J-seal 7 - Aorta Artery Neck Left Side (September 2002)
The effects of the J-seals happen anywhere between 3 and 12 months AFTER the J-seal opens. So if you have had problems in these areas in the last 4 to 5 years on the left side of the body, it may be related to the J-seals. When you clear the J-Seals, physical problems no longer manifest.
There are other unnatural seals and implants which we also have to remove besides J-Seals which we will get to at the end. But it is time to raise your frequency and enhance the Life Force Energy flow throughout your body thus preventing many future diseases from manifesting.
The session itself will last from 1 hour depending on how much resistance we encounter. At the end of the session, you should feel somewhat different, although most people find it hard to put this into words.
It's because your energetic circulatory system will be working according to your Original Divine Blueprint for the first time in many thousands of years, so it takes some time for the changes to integrate and the person to get used to this. Clients report that they have much more energy.
One of the most important benefits of this session is the increase in psychic abilities and inner sight that result from J-seal 3 being removed in the pineal gland.
So you should notice in very calm states of mind like theta, that you are receiving much more intuition from your Higher self and you can start making your free-will choices in line with that.
Also, most people who have physical ailments in the areas of the J-Seals start to see these gradually or sometimes even spontaneously disappear after the session.
If you have problems in these areas on the left side of your body, set your intent to also be free of these during the session, and we will work with your Higher self to carry this out.
How Did Humanity Inherit Unnatural Seals?
Many with J-Seals, Jehovian Seals, Unnatural Death Seals, Crown of Thorns, Tower of Babel Seal, Metatronic Seal, Cell Death Programs, Zeta Seal. All human beings are born with energetic distortions in the human body known as unnatural seals as they were NOT created by Source/God.
Since humans share an energetic connection with the Earth, we inherit these distortions at birth. These distortions affect your genetic structure and your ability to ascend.
If holes are poked in the Earth, those holes are poked in you. These seals literally manifest death and have created a cycle of death and reincarnation for millions of years.
Even animals also have J-Seals. Everything that is a living organism is affected. Children do not want to grow up this way and they also need to be cleared as soon as possible. It is no wonder people are walking around asleep.
They cannot receive clear guidance from their higher self. People cannot connect easily to their higher self to be aware of why they are here, what they are here to do, and how to pull in this information, etc.
Major Unnatural Seals and Implants:
Zeta Seal:
It is located in the 4th chakra - the Heart chakra. Just imagine how this has affected humanity. Most people are stuck in the first 3 chakras - The physical, emotional and mental bodies. If you cannot open up your heart chakra by activating the 4th DNA strand you cannot open your heart to unconditional self love and unconditional love of others. This is why the planet experiences so much drama with wars and so forth.
So the unnatural Zeta Seal blocks 4th DNA strand activation which was created by the Zeta race. Blocks 5th DNA strand from plugging into lower DNA strands and thus blocks ascension and higher evolution of consciousness. It is a frequency 'fence'.
All human souls incarnating since 1748 A.D. have this Zeta Seal block in their 4th DNA strand. This block created an unnatural blockage between the higher self aspect of identity and the dimension for astral awareness.
This blockage manifests as greater fragmentation which causes issues in remembering out of body or astral travel and causes heart chakra blockages and represses natural and intuitive senses. So this made it easy to influence human behavior as it connected the human DNA directly into the Zeta collective mind complex that controls population.
So since 1748 human behavior has been directly influenced on subconscious levels through a program broadcast through the Zeta collective mind complex. This influence has played a role with development of human cultures especially in government and science. Removing the Zeta Seal is extremely important as it is the most important one to remove.
Metatronic Implants:
They are located throughout all of the auric field. Imagine how long you have been waiting for this release! This will be the first time your energetic circulatory system has worked correctly in eons! You may even feel a nice whoosh of energy.
Metatronic implants are mostly within the energy bodies and are connected in to a larger grid of implants that have been around Earth for a long time, they were placed even before the J-Seals and have a different influence than what many do expect.
The name metatronic is in reality not the name for these implants, as they are at a crystal frequency and prevent many energy bodies from fully reconnecting as well as fully integrating and merging within the human physical body. This is not to be confused to Archangel Metatron.
Humans have many veils within them that hook them into holographic realities instead of the real spiritual reality and this is what metatronic implants are meant to do, this is why they are connected into a larger grid what many would call the matrix.
Templar Seals:
Templar Seals were applied in applied 8000 BC and removed the 6th base code of the 2nd DNA strand, 6th overtone of the 4th DNA strand and 12th overtone of the 5th DNA strand. Most people have fragments or traces remaining of this seal. We will release the seal and re-enter morphogenetic field for ascension.
It is the reason why humanity has been asleep, buried in religion's persuasive story of a wrathful, judgment oriented God, unable to integrate higher frequencies for ascension. The base tones are re-established so that the fire letters activate naturally.
Templar-Axion Seal:
The seventh dimensional Templar-Axion Seal (of 1500 BC) involved the removal of the 6th base tone of the 1st DNA strand, the 6th base tone of the 5th strand and the 6th base tone of the 6th DNA strand.
This is the original meaning of the symbolic 666 - "number of the beast" in that genetic codes carrying this distortion cannot assemble their DNA adequately to "qualify" for the next harmonic universe. This is one of the reasons why so many people are "not waking up" during this ascension cycle.
Crown of Thorns:
The Crown of Thorns is an energy configuration above the head of humans that distorts the natural energetic circulatory system and blocks the receiving of the primal life force currents from your Higher Self and Source/God.
The crucifixion was an energetic crucifixion to humanity as the crown of thorns scrambles the Universal currents to our chakras keeping humanity stuck in a 3rd dimensional frequency fence. While this is being cleared, highly sensitive individuals see a metal plate being removed from above their head or taste metal in their mouth.
You experience a deeper connection to Source consciousness and your Higher Self.
Tower of Babel Seal:
In 3470 BC, Invader Races caused a temporary collapse of Earth's magnetic grids with the intent to set Earth's Planetary Shields into reverse sequence. This caused a mutation in the human DNA Template.
The mutations in the DNA template blocked natural kundalini flow in the body causing malfunctions in the pineal, thalamus, hypothalamus, and thyroid glands leading to a shortened human life span, blocked higher sensory perception, and caused a loss of race memory and a "scrambling" of our original language patterns, which are built upon DNA Template Fire Letter Sequencing. Our race has been amnesiac and dying young ever since.
This historical event was recorded as the Biblical "Tower of Babel" story. Clearing the Tower of Babel Seal activates your kundalini and your higher sensory perception.
It is more than an implant, it's a containment device. Your perception is influenced to believe that you have karma, and you begin to collect it, the type of karma you collect is not really yours, since you are bound onto the wheel via these kcu's to experience the karma, and to truly experience being human, so as everything in the universe, it is a matter of perception.
On the one hand it left you unable to see beyond the veil, on the other hand, that is the ultimate idea, to have you not be able to see beyond the veil to completely immerse yourself into this Earthly life and then at a specific moment in time to be awakened, and removed from this perception.
So that you do not actually acquire this karma, you are tagged with KCU's. Basically it's the same as putting on some gear, however, both sides must benefit from this. If you have the KCU you are able to be here and experience karma, while at it, you are feeding the "dark side", you are feeding the matrix with your belief and energies, which allows the "dark" side to benefit.
On the other hand you are not actually stuck on the wheel from which it is a bit more complex to get off. Therefore as you can see it is both good and bad. Once removed though, what happens is you are initiated into being removed from the matrix. Does it mean you will fall off the face of the Earth, absolutely not.
What this means is you simply are able to SEE beyond the veil, you are no longer feeding the "dark" side, nor feeding the matrix as the "dark" side wanted you to feed. You are able to then more freely move between worlds, see beyond, think beyond, and through your thinking, through your newly acquired truth energy of love and light you are then able to weave a new reality into being, hence assisting to build a new matrix of love, or lack thereof.
It then becomes up to you. As you become incredibly powerful as you truly are. You are able to co-create a reality of your choosing.
There are many more miscellaneous unnatural seals and implants unlisted that will also be removed in this process. If you are interested I can also list them here.
Removing all of this will have a different effect on each person as we are all having and going through certain experiences and feelings of dimensional realities.
It is an opening that allows you to further and more fully integrate the higher parts, part of the higher being and receive the energies connected to that into the physical body. It still takes time to fully integrate and merge with those higher parts, but there is no blockage anymore to connect and do this.
For many who have already gone through many integrations it will remove restrictions of belief systems that are still ingrained within us even after all the clearings, activations and integrations that we have gone through.
These removals have an effect on the human mind and brain as it is learning to understand the spiritual reality and seeing clearly the motives that are behind what many call the dark, as well as seeing the limitations we have as humans as we experience more of the spiritual reality and try to use the human brain to translate.
No matter what you experience, all I can say is that it is time, the Earth and the energy upon Earth, as well as we as humans adjusting to the change upon Earth, has settled a bit and the time for the removal is now for many.
Removal can have a physical impact as well for some people, as it might relief some of the physical symptoms that many experience when integrating or being within higher frequencies.
After the session, please drink lots of water and listen to what your body is asking for as far as food is concerned, especially in the first three days and up to about seven days after the session. The removal of these J-Seals is the most important thing a person can do at this point in time.
In this One hour session, you will receive:
* A complete J-Seals and unnatural seals and implants removal.
* A 15D Auric Clearing and imprints and negative energies.
* A 15D Karmic Clearing and imprints and negative energies.
Shadow Clearing and Karmic Clearing
Unlike my other sessions where I am either in your aura or connecting with you over zoom, this clearing is completely different and done whilst I am not in the same room as you. This is why this one works so well by distance.
To receive the J-seal Removal Session:
For the J-seal Removal Session, you can be in a relaxed, receptive state with no distractions and focus your intent on removing these J-seals and everything associated with them from your body. The session will last about 45 minutes to one hour depending on how much resistance we encounter. At the end of the session, you should feel somewhat different, although most people find it hard to put this into words. It's because your energetic circulatory system will be working according to your Original Divine Blueprint for the first time in many thousands of years, so it takes some time for the changes to integrate and the person to get used to this. One of the most important benefits of this session is the increased psychic abilities that result from J-seal 3 being removed in the pineal gland. So, you should notice in very calm states of mind like theta, that you are receiving much more intuition from your higher self and you can start making your free-will choices in line with that. Also, most people who have physical ailments in the areas of the J-seals start to see these gradually or sometimes even spontaneously disappear after the session. If you have problems in these areas on the left side of your body, set your intent to also be free of these during the session, and we will work with your higher self to carry this out. After the session, please drink lots of water and listen to what your body is asking for as far as nutrients is concerned. The removal of these J-seals is the most important thing a person can do at this point in time. Also, it can be done for your children and animals.
The Jseals & Unnatural Implant Removal session is complete when you receive the email from Tara, that this session is complete. This means she has finished the ritual her end and you would go about your day as normal or drift off to sleep if you are having this session at bedtime. If you fall asleep during the clearing, this is completely fine and ideal. Please drink plenty of water these next few days. Old emotions and thoughts may come to the surface due to the clearing but look at it like clouds passing by without attachment. Any clearing is not your current timeline. If you experience any dizziness just lay down and let it pass. It is a psychic surgery and multi-dimensional clearing. Removing all of this will have a different effect on each person as we are all having and going through certain experiences and feelings of dimensional realities. It is an opening that allows you to further and more fully integrate the higher parts, part of the higher being and receive the energies connected to that into the physical body. It still takes time to fully integrate and merge with those higher parts, but there is no blockage anymore to connect and do this. For many who have already gone through many integrations it will remove restrictions of belief systems that are still ingrained within us even after all the clearings, activations and integrations that we have gone through. These removals have an effect on the human mind and brain as it is learning to understand the spiritual reality and seeing clearly the motives that are behind what many call the dark, as well as seeing the limitations we have as humans as we experience more of the spiritual reality and try to use the human brain to translate. No matter what you experience, all I can say is that it is time, the earth and the energy upon earth, as well as we as humans adjusting to the change upon earth, has settled a bit and I feel the time for the removal is now for many. Removal can have a physical impact as well for some people, as it might relief some of the physical symptoms that many experience when integrating or being within higher frequencies. After the session, please drink lots of water and listen to what your body is asking for as far as food is concerned. The removal of these J-seals is the most important thing a person can do at this point in time. Did you have any further questions? The next step would be Akashic Records Reading to clear your individual blocks and restrictions that affect you e.g. You may hold fears around speaking your truth or deep-seated fears around pain and suffering from past lives that need to be cleared. This is a separate clearing to the J Seal Removal. Then once you have had an Akashic Records Clearing which focuses on balancing your Chakra Energy Centres to complete balance, you are ready to move onto DNA Activation.
To book: email signsofabundance@gmail.com with the best time/s you could have this session done and once paid by direct deposit, Tara can book you into a time slot. Direct deposit details are attached.
From my heart to yours,
Tara J Clarke