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Stop Smoking with Self Hypnosis

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Stop Smoking with Self Hypnosis. Included is a daytime hypnosis recording for quitting the cigarette habit a night time self hypnosis recording for those that prefer to listen to their daily stop smoking hypnosis recording in the evening before bed. Also included is a free eBook (and audiobook version of this stop smoking eBook) with many powerful tools to guide you and help with those nicotine cravings. These tools are a valuable addition to your stop smoking self hypnosis program and I give these tools to all of my stop smoking clients whether you are doing this online quit smoking program or whether you are coming into see me for a session. 


This self-hypnosis for stop smoking program includes the following:


  •  A daytime recording for quitting the cigarette habit.


  • A nighttime recording for quitting the cigarette habit. 


  • A powerful stop smoking eBook with many motivating tools such as meridian tapping techniques and useful information and videos to assist you on your journey to being a non-smoker for the rest of your life. 


  • An audiobook for stop smoking which is compiled by Tara J Clarke for those that do not like to read. The full audiobook is just under 2 hours, explaining all of the valuable tools in the eBook. 


  • A bonus grounding meditation to help to keep you grounded and feeling safe on your journey, helping with relationships around you. 


  • A bonus aura cleansing meditation to help keep your auric field clean so that you attract less negativity throughout your day. 


It is recommended that you listen to the self-hypnosis recording once per day, which recording you choose, daytime or nighttime is your choice. This stop smoking self-hypnosis recording is the most important tool to use on this program. If you are having hypnotherapy with Tara J Clarke for quit smoking, then this self-hypnosis is a valuable accompaniment to your program or buy this stop smoking with self-hypnosis program to quit smoking cold turkey or gradually. 



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Once purchased, easily download the recordings and eBook directly to your device

Preview for 30 seconds by pressing play on the recording

Tips and safety for self hypnosis

Listen to the Daytime recordings sitting up so that you do not fall asleep. If you are falling asleep throughout the recordings try doing the recording first thing in the morning when you have just woken up. On wakeup we are still in theta brainwave and more suggestible at that time of the morning, for new information. Some people simply cannot stay awake when it comes to this kind of hypnosis and need to listen to hypnosis recordings when they have just woken. Never listen to a recording behind the wheel of a vehicle. Use headphones or ear plugs to listen to your recording, if you are listening to these recordings directly from a laptop without ear phones or head phones, it may not be clear or loud enough. The head phones or ear phones usually make the recording much clearer to listen to. Never listen to a hypnosis recording while walking, jogging or in control of a moving vehicle. These recordings have been made in a recording studio by Clinical Hypnotherapist, Tara J Clarke.


If you have any questions you are more than welcome to connect. 

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